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Hydrangeas Plus

Hydrangea Macrophylla Hornli

Hydrangea Macrophylla Hornli

Regular price $14.95 USD
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A unique compact variety with wonderful prolific blooms

We've grown this variety for a few years and I'm so impressed. This Switzerland bred dwarf grows slowly and very compact. But blooms and blooms all season long just like it's large cousins. This will rival Pia for ultimate compact mophead hydrangea. The blooms remind me of Pia but are not as carmine pink. I would say they are a bit more red. This is the ultimate shrub for a small garden or container. Bred in 1952 by P. Meier in Switzerland.

Zone: 6

Sun Tolerance: partial sun

Bloom Size: 3 to 6"

Mature Size (feet): 3 x 3

Cut flower use: yes

Fall Color: no

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